Monday, November 18, 2019

International Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

International Business - Assignment Example In a contemporary world that is dynamic and full of opportunities, opinion and views held by a multinational company don’t just vary in the United States but throughout the world. My view of the multinational company is expensive, but I tie it broadly to the attitudes of the executive, internal structures, and operations. In a broader view, multinational companies should be the one that not only brings capital but use local talents to tap into the growth of the company. I hold a view that due to the diversity of cultures, taste and preference within a country vary. In my view, only local executives are able to understand the local’s needs much better than any other foreigner. Multinationals company goal is maximizing profits and through more involvements individuals identify more with the company. Polycentric basis offers the best approach to the understanding of multinational. It goes beyond the shallow view of multinationals. No single yardstick, such as the percentag e of investments abroad, the location of headquarters and equity proportion are generalized to give the context. The polycentric approach to can is preferred since it is host country oriented in other words loosely connected bunch of quasi-subsidiaries as centers. Unlike other approaches to the meaning of a multinational company. Polycentric which arise from beliefs that MNC may be tightly knitted by perfect financial controls. This is, in reality, is true as more often than not home office leaves subsidiaries ‘alone’.

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