Thursday, November 28, 2019
APES Chapter 5 vocab Essay Example
APES Chapter 5 vocab Essay Example APES Chapter 5 vocab Paper APES Chapter 5 vocab Paper interspecific competition occurs when members of two or more species interact to gain access to the same limited resources such as food, light, or space predatation occurs when a member of one species feeds directly on all or part of a member of another species parasitism occurs when one organism feeds on the body of, or the energy used by, another organism, usually by living on or in the host mutualism an interaction that benefits both species by providing each with food, shelter, or some other resourcea commensalism an interaction that benefits one species but has little, if any, effect on the other predator-prey relationship relationships between a predator and its prey coevolution evolution in which two or more species interact and exert selective pressures on each other that can lead each species to undergo adaptations resource partitioning occurs when species competing for similar scarce resources evolve specialized traits that allow them to reduce niche overlap population dynamics a study of how the distribution, numbers, age structure, and density of populations change in response to changes in environmental conditions age structure the proportions of individuals at various ages biotic potential capacity for population growth under ideal conditions intrinsic rate of increase (r) the rate at which the population of a species would grow if it had unlimited resources intrinsic rate of increase (r) the rate at which the population of a species would grow if it had unlimited resources carrying capacity (K) the maximum population of a given species that a particular habitat can sustain indefinitely without being degraded logistic growth involves rapid exponential population growth followed by a steady decrease in population growth until the population size levels off (S-shaped curve) r-related species species that have many, usually small, offspring and give them little or no parental care or protection K-related species tend to reproduce later in life and have a small number of offspring with fairly long life spans. They also tend to mother and protect their young population density the number of individuals in a population found in a particular area or volume ecological succession during which, some species colonize an area and their populations become more numerous, while populations of other species decline and may even disappear primary succession involves the gradual establishment of biotic communities in lifeless areas where there is no soil in a terrestrial ecosystem, or no bottom sediment in an aquatic ecosystem secondary succession in which a series of communities or ecosystems with different species develop in places containing soil or bottom sediment tipping point where any additional stress can cause an ecosystem to change in an abrupt and usually irreversible way that often involves collapse
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Aus Lit Essays
Aus Lit Essays Aus Lit Essay Aus Lit Essay The Great World souses on the heart of war as a human experience which allows Mulatto go beyond these traditional notions of brutality and futility that characterize many texts about war (Rhodes, 2014, p. 3). The major military failure at Singapore highlights the nations feelings of isolation, abandonment, insecurity and describes the age of terror in which Australia found itself. Mallow notes, in a 2009 interview, that growing up in Australia during the sis, sis and sis was difficult due to the fact that war had become a way of life (Mooney, p. 84). Mallow notes that the manhood of young men was ultimately questioned on a daily basis: You will be going to war one day. How will you deal with that? What sort of man, basically, are you? (Mooney, 2009, p. 84). With this premise in mind, Mallow created the POP situation in which the central characters Vic and Diggers state of mind and sense of self and difference in identity is explored. Prior to Vic and Diggers capture by the Japanese in Changing, both men live very different lives. Vic has been brought up in a hostile and violent environment which has left him to become defensive of the world around him. This ultimately left Vic feeling as if the roll owes him for the happy, loving environment which he missed through his impoverished, unjust and unfair childhood (Rhodes, 2014). In juxtaposition to Vic, Digger is open to and accepting of the world, with a desire to get to the bottom of things (Griffith University, 2014, p. 56). It is this difference in character, fundamental makeup and varied responses to life, during and after their POP experience, that demonstrate Mallows aim of interrogating human nature in order to foster understanding (Rhodes, 2014, p 1). Mallow commences his representation of the POP experience with Digger in Changing. It becomes clear that we are thrust into an existence removed from fighting. Digger is finding it difficult to deal with the despondency of his experience its worse than anything (Mallow, 1990, p. 1 1 1 The description reveals that the Saps caught out by the sudden inundation of prisoners, do not have the knowledge or resources to effectively run the camp. As the days went by slowly, Digger and his fellow soldiers begin to form a normal routine. Digger clings to Mac and Doug more than ever but is finding it difficult to get on with Vic who he couldnt stand (Mallow, 1990, p. 13). As these two very different representations of masculinity continue their POP journey, their relationship shifts as they experience the realistic and less than glamorous loss of their mutual friend Mac and Diggers near death experience in Thailand. It is clear that growth in the relationship between Digger and Vic takes place and they are connected spiritually over their mutual experiences (Rhodes, 2014). It is noted by Taylor (1994), that Mallow persists in communicating this closeness as mysterious. Perhaps, Mallow is commenting that even though Vic and Digger have been wrought the same experience and ultimately survived, What is essential in their character and identity remains ultimately unchanged (Rhodes, 2014, p. 5). Mallows representation of Digger and Vic during their POP experience is far removed from the traditional notions of brutality and futility which are so reminiscent of movies and texts about war (Rhodes, 2014). Mallow is also careful not to romanticism or rely on traditional nationalistic cliches of heroism or imitates in his representation of this central event. One example of Mallow steering clear of these established traditions, is during Diggers ear-death experience in Thailand due to a tropical ulcer. A concerned Vic visits Digger in hospital where he is in a state of delusion: he had begun a light-hearted descent towards a place of light, and had decided to go with it (Mallow, 1990, p. 58). Upon seeing Diggers condition, Vic bravely carries Digger to the edge of a river to allow the fish to digest his rotting flesh and decontaminate his putrid wound. Mallow realistically expresses Diggers realization of his condition and continuation of life: it was the news of his own corruption, the smell, still as yet a little way off, of his own death. It has sickened him. Now, slowly he felt the smell recede (Mallow, 1 990, p. 161). Mallows frank and grotesque imagery dehumidifies his character and enables readers to understand that, by looking at the place of war in the human experience, we can go beyond the concept of lifes continuity, after such catastrophes, to accept them as consistent with and part of the fabric of human life (Rhodes, 2014, p. 1). David Mallows representation of Australian Prisoners of War in Singapore and Thailand during World War II is realistic and careful not to evaluate their horrific experience in a romanticists and traditional manner. Mallow wants his readers to understand the place of war as part of the human experience, which during his childhood was simply part of the fabric of human life (Rhodes, 2014, p. 1). The different version of masculinity and character, presented through the characters of Vic and Digger, serve to demonstrate Mallows point that even though the two unlikely friends have been through similar experiences, their identities remain ultimately unchanged (Taylor, 1994, p. 48). Vic continues to seek the life he missed as a child and continues the view that the world still owes him something (Rhodes, 2014). In contrast, Digger continues to live in the moment, always with a better, bigger future (Rhodes, 2014, p. 3). Mallows representation of the POP experience in The Great World does not solely exist to highlight the experiences of POSS. in Singapore and Thailand, but the mysterious complexity of living people, and the way in which they respond to particular experiences in their lives based upon their individual natures (Rhodes, 2014). Reference List: Bickering, Patrick, 1 994, Astonished by Everything: The Functions of Sublime Discourse in David Mallows Fiction, in Amanda Intellect (des), Provisional Maps: Critical Essays on David Mallow, COAL, Midlands, Western Australia, up. 35-50. Griffith University, 2014, LACKS Australian Literature and History B Study Guide, Griffith University, Nathan, SLD. Mallow, D. 1999, The Great World, Random House, Great Britain. Mooney, B. 2009, Interview with David Mallow. Rhodes, C. 2014, Only we humans can know: David Mallow and war. Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, volt. 39, no. 1, up. 1-10. Taylor, Andrew 1994, The Great World, History, and Two or One Other Things, in Amanda Intellect (des), Provisional Maps: Critical Essays on David Mallow, COAL, Midlands, Western Australia, up. 35-50. Question Two Focus: Ifs Raining in Mango In Its Raining in Mango, Indigenous Australian family history ends in the sass as it began in the sass; with oppression, exclusion, violence and injustice. Discuss tragedy and satire in Styles representation of race relations in tropical Queensland. Thee Styles 1987 novel, Its Raining in Mango, takes a critical approach to Tropical Queensland history and politics from the late 1 sass to the sass (Griffith University. 2014). Readers are confronted with a satirical and tragic presentation of colonial history and Indigenous relations in Queensland. Less Raining in Mango works to emphasis the devastation caused by colonization on Indigenous people and the lasting refusal of colonial regimes to recognize the cause of effects of this devastation (Dale, 1999, p. 21). Throughout the Leafless family history, spanning over one hundred years, readers are confronted with many instances of Indigenous mistreatment and general injustice. The Leafless are respectful of Aboriginals and despise their oppressive and racial treatment. The story commences with Young George ND Biddings relationship and concludes with Wills friendship with Charley and Billy Mumbled. Throughout the novel, we are informed of the slaughter of Aboriginal people, the forcible removal of children from their families and, later, the unfair treatment of Aboriginal people by different members of society. Some of these instances, and their portrayal, will be examined in order to examine Styles bitter satire and overall message that, whilst relations between Indigenous peoples may have improved over the years, damaging racist attitudes still exist in our society. Styles tragic presentation of the treatment of Indigenous people in Tropical Queensland in 1861 begins with the proclamation of the clearance of black land-owners (Style, 2010, p. 19). Style is asking us to envision the traditional owners of the land as individuals with no autonomy, dehumidified because of their difference in appearance and culture (Genii, 2009). This representation turns somewhat satirical when we see Cornelius and George discover a dozen decomposing Indigenous men during their travels. This vision sickens Cornelius and the young George. We see Cornelius liberal attitudes surface after George asks his father whether blacks are worthless: One would think so, Cornelius replies we are trained to believe so. Hope you wont (Style, 201 0, p. 30). This proclamation of Cornelius liberal beliefs, highlights and accentuates the absolute tragedy and disgusting deeds of the miners, whilst satirically positioning the brutally murdered Indigenous men as being of less worth than an animal. Style positions her readers to ponder upon how different the settlement of Australia would have been if it were filled with the Cornelius Leafless of the world. The tragic representation of Indigenous people is continued with the next generation of Leafless and their Indigenous counterparts around the year 191 5 in the form Of Jackie and Newly Mumbled and George and Magma, with the forcible removal of Knells baby, Charley. This scene is tragic, particularly when Jackie pronounces: we make kids for whites now. Cant they make their own kids, eh? Take everything. Land. Kids. Dont give nothing, only take (Style, 2010, p. 84). This tragedy demonstrates the evolution of Indigenous oppression and injustice through the form of a new generation. Pond the forcible removal of the young Charley by police, it is heartwarming to see the protection of the child by George and Magma. This again is a continuation of what could have been if more individuals were as accepting and respectful of the Indigenous culture. During this scene Style employs facets of satire, particularly during the policemans pushy and forceful interrogation of George and Magma. When asked as to whether he and his wife are aware Newly has any children, he responds ironically and sarcastically: Youre wasting your time here, let me tell you. Youre wasting mine as well. But thats what governments for isnt it? (Style, 2010, p. 87). Similarly to George, Magma also pipes in with language reminiscent of sarcasm and mockery: l told you that. Perhaps the cat has your ears as well. If you shout and nag and humiliate her, youll never get an answer. Cant you understand something as basic as that? (Style, 201 0, p. 88). Again, Styles employment of blatant satirical statements exaggerate the tragedy and unfair treatment of Aboriginal people (Dale 1999). Furthermore, the use of satire forces the reader to question the reason why Style had such an interest in his alienated and outcast group of people and the sardonic eye she casts on the racist attitudes of the residents of Tropical Queensland (Sheridan, 2003). Styles use of satire when examining the tragic and shameful parts of our history, demonstrate her lack of interest in nationalist themes and highlight her focus on modernism (Sheridan, 2003, p. 61). This exaggerated agenda presented in Its Raining in Mango, also ignites and invites the reader to ponder the extent to which the brutal injustices described are after all literary exaggerations (Griffith University, 2014, p. 43). The emergence of the next generation of Leafless appears in the form of Will, Georges son and his friend Billy and father Charley, direct descendents of Biding. Again, Style presents to her readers the various forms of oppression, violence and injustice against Indigenous people in the sass. The event where Billy is jailed for six weeks with hard labor for tax evasion is a tragedy and disgrace. This event is a tragedy because Billy had never been educated about what a tax form actually was: but the tax people were charging him provisional tax and he didnt understand (Style, 2010, p. 89). If someone had educated Billy, then the situation could have been avoided. Billy is forced to travel the long journey back to Mango from the jail and experiences a myriad of injustices. The most prolific injustice is his treatment by a barman who cheats him out of his change: l said what about me change? l put it there mate, right in front of you (Style, 2010, p. 193). Upon close examination and the tragedy of Billys oppression, there are underlying features of satirical musings. Through Billy s experiences, see begin to see a sense of fight in Billy in the face of adversity. He tries to explain his situation to the arresting cop and fights for his right to his change in the bar, to no avail. This is contrasted to his realization as he walks in the pouring rain on his way back to Mango that he has not actually fought to keep his language: the nobility of the forward line his great- grandfather Biding had advised in the tribal language he had almost forgotten now except as sounds that picked at his dreams (Style, 2010, p. 194). This tragic realization culminates into more oppression where no matter what he did there was only a paralyzing sense of effort in an imprecise landscape (Style, 201 0, p. 94). The saturation of Sergeant Perrys lack of reaction to the brutal fight: full of the realization of his own irony and unfairness (Style, 201 0, p. 203) demonstrates that the haphazard and violent means by which Europeans penetrated the Australian wilderness is a cycle which cannot be easily broken (Genii, 2009, p. 20). Thee Styles Its Raining in Mango, serves as a tool to challenge the simple-minded celebratory narratives of the colonization of Australia (Dale, 1999). According to Style, he racist attitudes of Australian people in Tropical Queensland may have seemingly improved over the years, but racist attitudes and mistreatment continue to exist. The selfless, respectful attitudes of the Leafless is refreshing and somewhat saddening in its portrayal, as it forces the reader to ponder upon what could have been if racist attitudes had not become so prevalent.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Social Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2
Social Psychology - Essay Example Its roots, dynamics and occurrence have been the subject of countless debates and contentions from scholars in various fields of human knowledge. All of them strive to uncover why an individual would strap onto himself an explosive and detonate it in places full of bystanders. Each field tries to understand how an ordinary student ends up planning and carrying out a kidnapping for political ends. Scholars explore the reason behind why groups of individuals have so much contempt for a state or group of states. Experts analyze the basis of the various doctrines of hate and malevolence against a particular class of people or a sector in society. Despite all these efforts and undertakings to that dissect and formally study terrorism it is not common that it be understood from the standpoint of social psychology. By rationalizing the phenomenon of terrorism within the framework of the workings of the human mind new insight may be derived about it. Psychology in general has delved into terrorism before not in the specific context of Social Psychology. The latter would present a new perspective as to the understanding and analysis of terrorism, its participants, their beliefs and psychological dimension of the same. For the purposes of this paper the concept of terrorism which will be explored will involve terrorism carried out by terrorist groups such as Al ââ¬âqaeda, Jemaah Islamiya and Hezbollah. This is distinct and separate from state sponsored terrorism as in the case of the Third Reich under Hitler and the former U.S.S.R. under Stalin. The usual definition of terrorism is something like "the use or threat of violence, by small groups against non-combatants of large groups, for avowed political goals." The key to this definition is the combination of small groups killing non-combatants. Terrorism is the warfare of the weak, the recourse of those desperate for a cause that cannot win by conventional means McCauley (n.d.). The attack
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
NGOs are an effective force in processes of conflict resolution and Essay
NGOs are an effective force in processes of conflict resolution and healing. Discuss using examples - Essay Example The cause of violence in schools is caused by peer influence that is becoming a more compelling influence upon social acceptance and rejection, parental attachment show a stronger statistical relationship with hostility and delinquency (Dodge & Somberg 1987). Human beings have always been influential in finding the most effective ways to resolve conflicts or crime in the society. The advent of the criminal justice system was the consequence of similar efforts and the experiences shows that the formal system of criminal justice, due to many reasons, has not been fully successful in achieving its mandate in most countries. Mounting court arrears, delay in case disposal and consistent rising rate of acquittals has resulted in the loss of public confidence in the system. Furthermore, it was felt that the victims of crime who are to be in the center are usually sidelined in the criminal justice process. Whichever the outcome of the court case, the victim does not get any considerable gain to mitigate his/her victimization and nothing will help to restore and repair the damage caused. In the search for alternative to litigation, it would be a necessity to dwell on those judicial process facets which promote the capability of the system to dispense the expectations that judges and courts render justice objectively and impartially. This paper tends to seek to explain the role played my mediation as a traditional way of resolving conflicts in todayââ¬â¢s society that replaces court of law. Moreover, this paper seeks to explain deeply the mystery behind mediation as a tool to resolve disputes over the years. In the end, the goal is to provide a clear and better support for the ongoing and future mediation efforts in peace processes. Discussion Mediation is the process of third party intervention in the case of environmental disputes between two or three parties who are on a disagreement. Its characteristics include voluntary participation and agreement as well as conf idential. United Nations (2008) explains that third parties are organizations or organization called upon or has volunteered to manage or settle issues between conflicting parties. Mediation is known to be a mystery and most of the peace processes are a success story while some are dismal failures, and most are a combination of the two. This process is extremely complex and difficult as one has to help in transition of a society from war to peace taking in to consideration the fact that the parties in conflict use military means to attain their objectives. It gets even worse when it can result in the killing of thousands or more in the process. During mediation, dispute parties may start to realize that they can gain a lot from negotiation than from fighting. This, however, takes time as the mediators needs to also understand their intentions and motives, and why they chose use of arms in settling disputes (Mrcela 2009). The role of mediation/mediator Mediation is usually appropriat e for settling disputes like those brought about by both verbal and behavioral message misinterpretation, communication problems, personal conflicts, harassment and deception (Mrcela 2009). In special cases, mediation can be used to resolve disputes between work groups or trade unions, or management on one end and employees on the other end. An example is in Slovenian organizations where
Monday, November 18, 2019
International Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
International Business - Assignment Example In a contemporary world that is dynamic and full of opportunities, opinion and views held by a multinational company donââ¬â¢t just vary in the United States but throughout the world. My view of the multinational company is expensive, but I tie it broadly to the attitudes of the executive, internal structures, and operations. In a broader view, multinational companies should be the one that not only brings capital but use local talents to tap into the growth of the company. I hold a view that due to the diversity of cultures, taste and preference within a country vary. In my view, only local executives are able to understand the localââ¬â¢s needs much better than any other foreigner. Multinationals company goal is maximizing profits and through more involvements individuals identify more with the company. Polycentric basis offers the best approach to the understanding of multinational. It goes beyond the shallow view of multinationals. No single yardstick, such as the percentag e of investments abroad, the location of headquarters and equity proportion are generalized to give the context. The polycentric approach to can is preferred since it is host country oriented in other words loosely connected bunch of quasi-subsidiaries as centers. Unlike other approaches to the meaning of a multinational company. Polycentric which arise from beliefs that MNC may be tightly knitted by perfect financial controls. This is, in reality, is true as more often than not home office leaves subsidiaries ââ¬Ëaloneââ¬â¢.
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Importance of Family Meals
The Importance of Family Meals The Importance of Family Meals Introduction Whether it is dinner, breakfast, or lunch, family meals offer an opportunity for all family members to pass time enjoying each otherââ¬â¢s company and good food. In many occasions, mealtimes might be the only occasion many families have a chance to congregate as a unit. Eating meals as a family provides a huge opportunity to form and strengthen domestic bonds as members engage each other in conversations. Also, research shows that family meals benefit members of the household in terms of nutrition, academic performance, spending and manners. This expressive article highlights the nine major benefits of family meals. The Benefits of Eating as a Family The advantages of eating meals as a family are as follows: Communication and Well-Being Dialogue during mealtimes provides an opportunity for the family to plan, learn, and bond with one another. It is a chance to chat about events of the day as parents give additional attention to their children. Family meals foster love, warmth, security and feeling of belonging. Eating together as a household is not merely about food, but knowing about the wellbeing of one another. Sharing meals with loved ones is like a special event that almost assumes the form of a ceremony, which has always been practiced since time immemorial. Besides the appreciation of the food and the effort that went into making it, there are numerous social elements, such as learning how to conduct conversations, listen, serve others, compromise and solve conflicts which come into play when a household shares meals (TheHJGroup, 2013). Role Modeling Family mealtime is the best time to display and teach one another appropriate meal etiquette, table manners, and social skills by keeping the mood relaxed, light, and loving. Family members try lead by example and not to criticize or instruct. Eating together offers an opportunity to exercise gratitude through prayer or sharing the thing members are thankful for prior to eating. Family meals grant the opportunity to convey the attitudes and values of a household from one generation to another: Children can be taught by their parents or grandparents about the values that are significant to the family. Family meals are also an ideal approach to link up household members with their ethnic or cultural heritage, because differing foods might reflect the distinctive ethnic tastes or cultural traditions of their familyââ¬â¢s background (TheHJGroup, 2013). Exploration Family meals enable family members to expand and explore the world round them one diet at a time. Members of the family can encourage each other to try out new foods, without bribing or coercing. They can introduce new foods accompanied by some of their favorites. Parents and children can select new recipes from cookbooks, web sites, magazines or newspapers. Trying out new foods, particularly from different parts of the world is like exploration or beginning a new hobby. It magnifies the experience, knowledge, and skills of the household members (TheHJGroup, 2013). Nourishment and Relaxation Meals that have been prepared and consumed at home are generally more nutritious. They comprise more vegetables, fruits, and dairy products as well as extra nutrients such as vitamins A and C, fiber, and calcium. Moreover, home cooked foods are not usually deep-fried or highly salted like take-away meals. Plus, consumption of sweetened beverage is frequently low at the table as family members ought to take natural blended juices. Recent researches show that family meals are connected to a low risk of obesity in both children and adults because when people eat at home they typically consume a balanced diet. Also, eating together helps family members relax. Before or after having a long day away from home, parents and children can benefit from the pleasure of cooking and enjoying their meal. Not only does this give you them a chance to calm down, it prepares them for the day or for a peaceful, rejuvenating sleep. Self-Sufficiency Family meals provide self-sufficiency to household members because it allows them to know how to plan and make meals. Both basic and complex cooking preparations are requirements for being self-sufficient. Parents can involve their family members in grocery shopping, menu planning, and food preparation. Young children can cut bananas, tear lettuce, and set the table while older children can do tasks, such as peeling vegetables. Teenagers can grill, dice, chop, and bake. Working together puts meals faster on the table and makes everybody more responsible. Prevention of Destructive Behaviors Research indicates that frequent family meals (five or more per week) are linked to low rates of drinking, smoking, and illegal drug abuse in teenagers and pre-teens compared to households that do not eat together. Even as the schedules of older children get more complex, it is vital for parents to make efforts to have meals together. Studies by Columbia Universityââ¬â¢s National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse show that children who do not have meals with their family members at least twice every week were 40% more likely to indulge in alcohol and drugs, not to eat healthily, and report being distant from their parents than youngsters who eat with their parents often. Better Academic Performances It has been proven that children perform better academically when they have more meals with their family members. Mealtime discussions translate into success in class. As children listen to their parents and other members talk, they learn essential language abilities, such as new reading and vocabulary skills. These skills are necessary for expressing oneself verbally and comprehending what is read, thus they help children perform better on tests in school. According to research by University of Illinois, children who eat more than five times per week with their family members tend to have high academic performance than their peers who habitually eat away from home or eat alone. Cost Reduction Home cooked meals are much cheaper than fast foods. Families do not need to spend a lot of money to prepare tasty meals because they can look up for cheap and simple recipes from cheap vegetarian foods to healthy snacks on a low budget of under $3 per serving. Meals bought outside the home are generally two to four times costly than meals made at home. Fun Family meals are fun. Through sharing meals and taking time to converse about what the family members are experiencing in term of flavors, they are more likely to have fun and be mindful of the food. This results in improved digestion and enjoyment of the food. Family meals are also fun because they are taken and enjoyed in a cool and relaxed setting. Conclusion In conclusion, the benefits of family meals go beyond nutrition. Eating as a family has multiple advantages in many other aspects as well. Family meals are healthier and they provide an occasion for household members to sit around the table, enjoy, relax, discuss and applaud themselves for preparing a meal that is more likely to be nutritious than one that they would have purchased outside the house. Moreover, recent evidence demonstrates that children who have more meals with other family members are the less likely to engage in illegal behavior, such as smoking marijuana and drinking alcohol. These children also perform well in school, have high self-esteem, and do not develop eating disorders. Family meals are a tradition and the cornerstone of the home because they offer self-sufficiency, reduce costs, and provide fun. Bibliography Kolker, C. (2011). The Immigrant Advantage: What We Can Learn from Newcomers to America about Health, Happiness and Hope. New York: Simon and Schuster. TheHJGroup. (2013, October 23). Successful Entrepreneur on The Importance of Family Meals. Retrieved April 12, 2015, from YouTube: Note to student: Include the secondary source from your schoolââ¬â¢s library databases in the bibliography above.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Great Gatsby Essay -- Literary Analysis, F. Scott Fitzgerald
In the 1920s the values and morals of the majority of America were changing from very conservative to extremely liberal. People became more interested in what benefited them most, while disregarding what the cost would be. This is what essentially gave this era the title of ââ¬Å"The Roaring Twentiesâ⬠. The total rebellion of people changing from having a great set of morals and values to being corrupt and materialistic entirely reshaped the start of this era. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald uses Nick Carraway to show the worldly view of what good values and morals should be against the skewed values of Tom Buchanan and Jay Gatsby. Nick Carraway is portrayed by Fitzgerald as a small town guy from the Middle West that, while purpose-driven, isnââ¬â¢t focused as much on being wealthy as being successful. This is very evident when Nickââ¬â¢s new house is introduced. He describes it by saying, My house was an eye-sore, but it was a small eye-sore and had been overlooked so I had a view of the water, a partial view of my neighborââ¬â¢s lawn and the consoling proximity of millionaires ââ¬â all for eighty dollars a month (Fitzgerald 9-10). Nick knows he does not have the biggest and best house on the block, and he doesnââ¬â¢t really care. He takes pride in the fact that he is making away for himself and getting to live in a first class neighborhood. Harold Bloom supports this when he says, ââ¬Å"Compared to Jay Gatsby and Tom Buchanan, Nick has modest means and modest desiresâ⬠(1). These quotes both back up the fact that Nick is not a money-craving American. He is content with where he is in his life. Nick was also taught to be non-judgmental and to use his mind to succeed. The readers see this when Nick repeats fatherââ¬â¢s is advise when he is younger an... ...ay the wide difference between good and right morals and values of the 1920s and corrupt and superficial morals and values of that era. The ââ¬Å"Roaring Twentiesâ⬠was becoming full of people that are focused solely on satisfying their own wants and desires, instead of what would propel them further in life. The world had just gotten out of a war and was enjoying every minute of its life. It was a total change from people who had been extremely conservative, always living life by the book, to a whole new generation of liberals who would change the way Americans lived their life. Fitzgeraldââ¬â¢s The Great Gatsby is a great example of the diversity of values at that time. He made sure to include every criteria, from old money to new money, humbleness and pride, and true love versus love for money, these are all aspects that help to form a persons morals and values.
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